Eric's Podcast

#5 Harnessing Purpose and Positivity for Successful Projects

Eric Griffin Season 1 Episode 5

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Could understanding the power of purpose and positivity be the game-changer you've been searching for in your business or creative ventures? Tune in as we promise to guide you through the impactful mindset that shapes successful projects, whether you're building a business, designing a product, or crafting a masterpiece. Learn how emotions such as joy, efficiency, and comfort can transform user experiences and improve customer perceptions. We'll share personal stories that highlight how negative emotions, like frustration and anger, can inadvertently sabotage your efforts and communication, stressing the importance of cultivating a positive atmosphere for development and innovation.

Discover why knowing your "why" is essential when embarking on any new journey. We'll discuss how aligning your motivations with your goals can steer your efforts and ensure a sense of fulfillment once you've reached the finish line. Whether you're creating a new app, writing a novel, or launching a startup, understanding the emotional response you wish to evoke in your audience is key to your success. Join us and be part of an engaging conversation, where your questions and comments are not only welcome but encouraged, ensuring a meaningful dialogue about building with purpose and positivity.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to another episode of Eric's Podcast. I'm your host, eric, and today we're going to talk about building things and how you should not build things out of hate. Why? Because what you build is going to show and come through the finished product. If you build something out of hate, that's going to show up in the end. It's going to show up to your customer, it's going to show up to your listener or reader, it's going to show up to the purpose of the item or thing or whatever. If it's born out of hate, that is going to be there in the product. I know it sounds weird or crazy or whatever. Take it as you will, but it's also the mindset of you and if you're building a business, too, it's going to be the mindset of your employees. It's going to be the mindset of all your written statements, everything. If it is born out of hate, then that is going to show up and affect the end result you want to think about.

Speaker 1:

Why are you building the thing that you're building? If you're building a business, why are you doing it? A lot of people will just say so I can make money, and that is not a very good answer, because if it's a successful business, it's going to make money either way. If it's a successful business, it's going to make money either way. So a better approach would be what is the purpose of going back to the company example? What is the purpose of this company? What is the purpose of the product? What do I want my customers to feel when they're using this product? And that's important because it goes into the design of the product. It goes into the functionality of the product, and you want your product to feel good to use. A lot of business makers and designers they're not thinking like this. They're not considering the feelings of the person actually using it, and that's why there's so many designs and so many things that fail because they're not able to capture enough feeling on the end customer. If the customer continues using it or to recommend it, if your product feels great to use and is a great experience and gives them joy to use, then you've made a successful product. And the only way to do that is for you to think that way when making it. So you want to figure out what the end result is.

Speaker 1:

What do you want your users to feel? Do you want them to feel like they're saving time? Then you need to design the app to where everything's fast and quick and sufficient and the functionality can. Everything can be done in less than three steps. Do you want them to feel happy or joyful, or like, or maybe comforted? Well then that goes into your colors and how you want the colors and the angles, and whether you want things rounded or squared. All of those give off a different feeling. And the same thing goes in product design. And it's more feeling in terms of physical feeling in product design than it is in an app. But an app you're designing for the eyes and ease of use and a product you're designing for the feeling and functionality.

Speaker 1:

Same goes for like writing a book or maybe doing a podcast. You know, if I did this podcast, when I first wake up, where I'm grumpy, you probably wouldn't like to listen to me. But waiting, waiting Till I'm in a better mood and I actually care. That comes through. And same thing goes for your writing. If you're writing a book or a blog post or something like that, the way you write it is going to come through to the in-person, to the in-person. You know it's interesting because whenever I would, I would get okay, I want it, but well, not true, I have. Okay, so you've heard never. Well, maybe you haven't heard it, but I'll just give you an example.

Speaker 1:

I wrote there was a big thing that was happening with a business I was running and a client was being very difficult, just like fed up with this client didn't want anything to do with him anymore. And I wrote this really long, angry in anger and frustration email. And I came back. I didn't send it because I was like you know what? I should probably take a breather. I feel like the frustration and anger is not in here because I didn't really. You know, I didn't. I use professional language and all that. But I'm going to take a breather. I'm going to see if I can. I'll just send it over to my dad because he's very successful. So I'm going to send it over to him and see if it's appropriate. So I'm going to send it over to him and see if it's appropriate. So my dad read it and he came back. He was like there's a lot of frustration and hate in this email. You probably should not send it and probably should take a day and rewrite it. And so I took a day and I came back and then I could see all of the frustration and the way it was written and the structure of it and everything, and I could not see that the day before, so I didn't send it. I rewrote it, obviously, but it's a good example of it's just a fast example of creating a product or creating a business.

Speaker 1:

If you're doing it out of hate, if you're doing it out of anger, that is going to come through. If you're saying like, oh, I'm going to do this no matter what, nothing's going to stop me, that's going to come through to your end customer and it's not going to be a good experience and the likelihood of it failing is much greater. And it goes for your employees too. Anybody that you want to work with is going to feel that same thing. You need to build a nurturing environment for your employees also, so they want to work there, and then your customers will see how happy your employees are and will want to work with you, and your employees will praise the company and all of these other things.

Speaker 1:

So that is one of the biggest things that I would say in terms of advice when starting something new is really, you want to make sure you know why you're doing it and know that that why is going to show up at the end when you're done? Okay, well, thank you for joining me for another episode of Eric's podcast. If you have any questions or you want to send me a quick email, I might reply to it, as long as it's not super long. It's eric at ericspodcastcom, and yeah, I'll see you in the next episode and thank you for listening.

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